Are you currently embarking on a voyage of self-discovery and self-care, seeking to further explore alongside a group of like-minded individuals on a similar path?

Are you looking for more moments of meaningful connection in your life?

Are you requiring support to put healthy habits in place? 

The Emotional Literacy Self-Study Hall has heard your requests and is here to help fill the need.

Join a monthly LIVE 2-hour Class

The Self-Study Hall (SSH) program allows you to connect with a other individuals on their own personal journey of self-discovery. SSH promotes self-inquiry, community connection, self-compassion, and the therapeutic benefits that come with the knowledge to understand yourself on a deeper level and attend to your needs with more meaningful intention.

Join now for just $19.99/Month



Greater Self-Compassion

Develop self-compassion through a deeper understanding of yourself, allowing you to attend to your needs with more meaningful intention and care.

Deeper Self-Discovery

Explore your inner self, understand your values, and gain insights into your personal journey of self-discovery.

Meaningful Connections

Connect with a community of like-minded individuals on a similar path of self-growth and self-care, fostering meaningful relationships and support.

About the Facilitator

My name is Kris Garner and I'm the founder of The Emotional Literacy Movement. Like you, I have encountered many versions of myself throughout my lifetime. There was the version of myself that pushed myself beyond my capacity, ignoring all the signals from my body to slow down, in order to prove myself and gain approval from others. There was the version of myself that people-pleased and care-took others in order to earn love and belonging. There was the version of myself that looked to others with regard to what my values should be and what I should strive for in life in order to achieve "success".

Today there exists the version of myself who knows and respects her boundaries, who compassionately communicates her needs and desires,  who looks deep within herself to find her own truth, and creates her own personalized definition of success. This version knows her values, her strengths, and her weaknesses. She tends to herself with care and does not abandon herself in her time of need. She is stronger, healthier, more resilient, happier and takes courageous risks with her one precious life. 

The journey to a wholehearted version of myself was long and arduous. It took a tremendous amount of self-exploration. Some of this learning occurred alone, but the most transformative work occurred within relationships with others who were on a similar path. I'm thrilled to be offering a monthly Self-Study Hall for individuals who are looking for community and direction on their journey of self-discovery. I have consistently felt the power of sharing in these heart-centered gatherings, leaving me feeling invigorated, inspired, and connected. 

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

More about me
2023-09-22 Kristin Garner Fall Family HI RES-91


Details about the themes

The Language of the Body

Experts believe that anywhere from 70%-93% of our communication is non-verbal. This month's sessions explore how to read the signals in our own body - as well as those of others - so that we can more accurately attend to the needs that arise. 

From Co-Regulation to Self-Regulation

Healthy self-regulation does not develop as a natural process of aging. Rather, it is taught through ongoing co-regulating experiences with others - particularly our caregivers. Learn how to effectively co-regulate with others.

Hygge: The Science of Comfort

Learn how to increase feelings of comfort, safety, and togetherness.  Based on the research of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Taking Inventory of Your Life

This month we will explore and take inventory of the 9 Pillars of Healthy living based on the work of doctors Alona Pulde & Matthew Lederman. How are these areas of life being balanced day-to-day? 

The 5 Love Languages

We all express and receive love in different ways. This month, we will learn about the 5 Love Languages based on the work of Dr. Gary Chapman. These insights can help you better understand your needs and those of your loved ones, so that you can offer effective support and care.

Cognitive Distortions

Our brains are continually processing information. We all have well-worn pathways of thinking that arise when we are feeling overwhelmed. This month we will learn to identify when you or others are stuck in one of these ruts and develop the skills to cultivate healthier thinking habits. 

Identifying your Needs

Have you ever taken the time to really sit down to determine what your needs were in a given situation? What about in the scope of your family life? Your career? Your personal care? Identifying your needs is an integral component of self-regulation.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Overcome people-pleasing tendencies and learn to kindly and assertively advocate for yourself. Become empowered to communicate your needs and take initiative with regard to your health and wellbeing.

Tender Self-Compassion

Based on the work of Dr. Kristin Neff, tender self-compassion allows us to provide the self-care that we require in order to navigate challenging emotions, allowing us to get unstuck and move forward with grace.


  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    This was wonderful! You made the content very relatable. Honestly, this worshop was a reminder of tools I have and can continue to personally develop. Professionally, I can help create a safe environment and sharing this structure is really viable. Its very humanizing and can help those that don't currently have this knowledge.

    Youth Worker

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    Amazing! I can see myself using this knowledge with my own kids so they are able to recognize their emotions and how to regulate them using these techniques. I also feel it will be useful with my participants who struggle to express themselves.

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    This was so well done! I can translate this information easily to the youth that I support on a daily basis. To be able to help them to regulate in times of crisis is so valuable. Thank You!

    Youth Worker

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    I love Kris's energy! She's engaging and interactive, uses simple language that easy to comprehend.

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    You can tell a lot of work and effort went into this training. Great language used, very easy to pick-up.

    Youth Worker

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    This information was taught in an accesibile way and I'll put it to use not only at my workplace, but with my own children. Even helping myself to be more aware of my feelings and emotional state. Kris is a great teacher, her passsion makes the information engaging and accessible. Thank you!

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    I got a lot out the crash course, and it makes me want to dive deeper into it all. Thanks so much Kris!

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    Really appreciate the clarity of your explanation of this complex theory and how you have precipitated out the primary detail and making it "user friendly" so to speak. Thank you Kris.

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    Thank-you so much for all the information! It really pulled all of the aspects of the work I have been doing together!

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    My whole life, in and out of various therapy and self-help programs, I have lived inside my head, believing that's where emotions live and therefore where they should be managed. This introduction to polyvagal theory and neuroception blew my mind and engaged my mind-body connection in a way I have not experienced before. Like Kris said, it's a map, a picture of myself that I can't unsee now. I'm no longer as scared to feel something, because I can fully feel it and process it. Thank you!

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    I have a daughter whom has specific learning difficulties and along with that some emotional regulation challenges. While we are very similar in many ways, the way we deal with challenging situations is very different. I wanted a better understanding of how to identify where my daughter is emotionally, why she is in this state and how to assist her to being in a healthier state. I also wanted to develop more awareness of my own emotional state as to be a more effective part of the solution and less of a factor in our dysregulation and have a better grasp of the language for communicating when moving through the various emotional states. This 6 week master class has given me many effective tools to make my observations and my role in our relationship much more effective.

Do you work in the field of education? If, so check out The Embodied Educator Portal for extra resources and live classes exclusively for those in an education setting.